Artistic director Eduardo Vilaro continues to expand what “Hispanic ballet” may mean. In his new Hogar (home), he explores the immigrant identity, using live music by Russian composer Ljova. His Asuka, the piece that celebrates Celia Cruz from 2011, appears on Program C. (In this “Choreography in Focus,” he talks about how Celia Cruz embodied the Latino experience). Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s irrepressible Sombrerísimo appears on Program A, and her madcap Mad’moiselle is on Program B, along with Hogar. Also on the season are works by Edwaard Liang, Nacho Duato, Edgar Zendejas, and a world premiere by Gustavo Ramírez Sansano. April 15–27 at the Joyce. Click here for tickets.

Rehearsal of Sombrerisimo, photo by Paula Lobo

Rehearsal of Hogar, photo by Paula Lobo
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